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27 September 2024

Why Instagram followers matter to business growth

Today, followers on Instagram are not just passive observers but active participants in a brand’s journey.

In the evolving landscape of the global economy, social media platforms have emerged as powerful engines of business growth, redefining how companies interact with consumers. Among these platforms, Instagram stands out as a driving force for businesses across industries, enabling brands to connect with audiences in ways that were unimaginable just a decade ago. With over a billion monthly active users, Instagram has become more than a social networking site – it is now an essential marketing tool for businesses of all sizes, especially in the new economy where digital engagement is key.

Today, followers on Instagram are not just passive observers but active participants in a brand’s journey. They engage with content, amplify messages through shares, and, most importantly, translate into revenue through purchases and brand advocacy. This article explores why Instagram followers matter for business growth, how brands successfully leverage them, and the potential challenges of focusing on follower metrics alone in the pursuit of growth.

What to expect from this article:

  • How Instagram reshapes business growth

  • The importance of Instagram followers

  • Key strategies to grow a follower base

  • Case studies of businesses thriving on Instagram

  • Challenges of focusing solely on follower count

How Instagram is reshaping business growth

Instagram has transformed from a social app into a powerful tool for business growth. Its visual-first approach allows companies to showcase products and connect directly with consumers. This is especially important in today’s digital economy, where attention spans are short and competition for visibility is fierce.

Instagram offers businesses direct access to over a billion users, with 80 per cent of them following at least one brand. For businesses, this translates into massive potential for increasing brand awareness and driving sales through engaging posts and stories. Features like Instagram Shopping and shoppable posts have also made it easier to convert followers into customers​

As Instagram continues to evolve, third-party services like Superviral are also transforming how businesses capitalise on the platform’s potential. Superviral helps brands grow by using data-driven strategies to engage with high-value audiences, allowing companies to increase visibility and drive sales through targeted content and engagement. This complements Instagram’s existing tools like shoppable posts and stories, offering businesses additional ways to build relationships with followers and convert them into loyal customers.

The platform’s blend of content types – such as stories, reels, and live events – gives businesses multiple ways to engage their audience and build a strong community. This flexibility has helped brands like Gymshark and Glossier achieve impressive growth by creating content that resonates with their followers​. “Using Instagram has completely transformed how we reach our audience. As a small business owner, the platform has helped me increase my sales by 30 per cent in just six months.” – Sarah L, e-commerce store owner.

The value of Instagram followers in the new economy

In today’s digital-first economy, Instagram followers are more than a number on a screen – they’re a powerful asset for businesses looking to drive growth. A brand’s follower base can significantly impact its visibility, customer engagement, and revenue potential. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, Instagram allows businesses to interact with their followers in real time, creating a sense of community and trust.

One of the key advantages of Instagram followers lies in how they affect the platform’s algorithm. Instagram prioritises posts with high engagement (likes, comments, shares), meaning that businesses with active followers are more likely to appear in users’ feeds, increasing their visibility. This creates a cycle where engagement leads to follower growth, which in turn drives brand recognition and sales.

Posts with high engagement (likes, comments, shares) are 70 per cent more likely to appear in users’ feeds, giving brands a visibility boost. Additionally, 65 per cent of consumers who follow brands on Instagram are more likely to make a purchase compared to non-followers. Brands with engaged followers often see a 20 per cent increase in repeat purchases and long-term growth.

Key reasons why Instagram followers matter for businesses:

  • Boosted visibility: Engaged followers improve a post’s algorithmic ranking, leading to wider exposure

  • Increased sales opportunities: Tools like shoppable posts and links in stories allow followers to easily purchase products directly from Instagram

  • Brand loyalty: An engaged follower base often becomes a loyal customer base, driving repeat purchases and long-term business growth

  • Influencer partnerships: Brands with large follower bases are more attractive to influencers, who can help further amplify reach​

  • Community building: Followers aren’t just consumers; they’re part of a community that contributes to the brand’s identity, often sharing content and advocating for the brand

Brands like Daniel Wellington and Glossier have used these dynamics to build substantial businesses. Both companies rely heavily on Instagram to maintain a loyal, engaged follower base, which they convert into customers through Instagram’s e-commerce features. Daniel Wellington has mastered the art of influencer partnerships, while Glossier excels in community building by reposting user-generated content, creating a feedback loop of trust and authenticity. “As a content creator, Instagram has been essential in growing my brand. Engaging with my followers has not only boosted visibility but also strengthened customer loyalty, which increased repeat sales by 25 per cent.” – Jake M, content creator.

Strategies for growing a meaningful follower base

To grow a substantial and engaged follower base on Instagram, businesses must focus on more than just boosting numbers. Effective strategies involve creating authentic connections, delivering value through content, and maintaining consistent engagement with followers.

For businesses looking to gain traction on Instagram, growth services like Superviral can provide an initial boost by increasing follower numbers quickly. While organic growth is essential for long-term success, using tools like this can help smaller brands build credibility and attract attention in the early stages. By adding real followers, businesses can enhance their social proof, making their accounts more appealing to potential customers. However, it’s important to use such services thoughtfully – combining them with authentic engagement strategies ensures the followers gained translate into meaningful community interaction​

Another effective strategy involves leveraging influencer partnerships. Working with influencers who align with a brand’s values and image can help reach new audiences. While many companies aim for influencers with large followings, micro-influencers – those with smaller but highly engaged audiences – often offer higher engagement rates. Their close connection with their followers can lead to more authentic interactions and long-term loyalty for the brand​

Additionally, engagement should go beyond just posting. Brands that actively respond to comments, engage in conversations, and use Instagram’s interactive features like polls or quizzes build stronger relationships with their followers. This consistent interaction shows that the brand values its community, which is crucial for maintaining loyalty and encouraging long-term growth​

Case studies of businesses leveraging Instagram

1. Gymshark: Growing a fitness empire

UK-based fitness brand Gymshark has harnessed the power of influencer marketing to skyrocket its growth. By collaborating with over 1,353 influencers, Gymshark’s campaigns have generated 16.5 million impressions in a single month, driving significant visibility on Instagram​. The brand’s famous #Gymshark66 challenge saw millions of users engage with the brand, creating over 193 million views on TikTok and further boosting its Instagram presence​. Gymshark’s focus on community building has turned customers into brand advocates, with a loyal following of over 5 million Instagram followers.

2. Glossier: Power of user-generated content (UGC)

Glossier has built its brand by actively encouraging customers to share their product experiences, leveraging user-generated content (UGC). The brand’s #GlossierGirl campaign, which encourages users to post their make-up and skincare routines, has led to 20 per cent higher engagement rates compared to traditional beauty brands​. With 2.7 million Instagram followers, Glossier’s use of UGC has not only amplified brand trust but also fostered a tight-knit community that drives recurring sales​.

3. Daniel Wellington: Influencer marketing masterclass

Watch brand Daniel Wellington became a social media sensation by partnering with micro-influencers who posted styled photos of their products. This strategy led to a dramatic increase in visibility, with the brand amassing 4.7 million Instagram followers. Influencers have helped Daniel Wellington achieve $230m in sales by 2018, with a significant portion of their customers coming directly from Instagram​.

4. Tortuga: Engaging customers in product development

Travel gear brand Tortuga uses Instagram to engage directly with its followers, incorporating behind-the-scenes content and gathering feedback on new product designs. By actively involving its audience, Tortuga has seen higher engagement rates and built a loyal follower base of over 100,000. Their customer-centred approach has driven a 40 per cent increase in repeat purchases, as followers feel personally invested in the brand’s product development​.

Challenges of relying on Instagram followers

While Instagram can drive substantial business growth, over-relying on followers presents several challenges. These issues highlight the importance of balancing follower numbers with genuine engagement and business strategy.

1. Superficial engagement

Having a large number of followers doesn’t guarantee meaningful interaction. Brands can find themselves with a follower base that engages minimally with content. This results in low engagement rates, reducing the effectiveness of Instagram’s algorithm in promoting posts. Businesses must focus on quality interactions – likes, comments, shares – from their core audience to build a truly engaged community.

2. Platform dependency

Over-dependence on Instagram’s platform for business success is risky. Changes to Instagram’s algorithm can dramatically reduce a brand’s reach, limiting organic exposure and forcing companies to invest more in paid ads. Companies that rely solely on Instagram may struggle to maintain consistent growth if the platform’s policies change. Diversifying digital strategies across multiple platforms can help reduce this risk.

3. Balancing growth and authenticity

Brands may feel pressure to prioritise follower growth by posting viral or trendy content. However, this can dilute a brand’s identity and alienate its loyal customer base. Companies must ensure that their content aligns with their core values and long-term goals, even as they try to grow their audience.

“I used to focus solely on growing my follower count, but I soon realised that engagement was more important. Once I shifted my focus to interacting with my followers, I saw a 20 per cent increase in actual conversions.” – Emily T, digital marketing specialist.


With the right approach, followers can help increase visibility, boost engagement, and ultimately drive sales. Businesses that focus on authentic engagement through content variety, influencer partnerships, and user-generated content can foster a loyal community that actively supports their brand. Tools like Superviral can provide an early boost by enhancing social proof, but they should be used alongside organic methods to ensure sustainable success.

The key to thriving on Instagram is balancing rapid follower growth with genuine connections. Followers should not be seen as mere numbers but as members of a broader community that engages, shares, and advocates for the brand. By combining thoughtful content strategies with careful use of growth tools, businesses can position themselves for long-term success in an increasingly digital marketplace.

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