New Times,
New Thinking.

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Is now the time to rethink health and care for older people? With Age UK

Age UK sponsored a panel discussion at Labour Party Conference 2023 about reforming the social care system.

Years of chronic underfunding and severe workforce issues mean the health and social care system is facing an unprecedented crisis. Millions of people are waiting for treatment; struggling to access GP appointments; facing prolonged waits for ambulances and emergency care; and are stuck experiencing lengthy delays for social care. The strain on the NHS and social care system is unsustainable.

At Labour Party Conference 2023, social care experts came together in a panel discussion to talk about how the UK can radically rethink the way its health and care systems support older patients. They discussed how to fill the 165,000 vacancies in the social care workforce, retain existing talent, and develop care outside of hospital and in communities.

This panel was sponsored by Age UK. Speakers included Paul Farmer, CEO at Age UK; Andrew Gwynne MP, shadow minister for social care; Nadra Ahmed, chairman at the National Care Association; and Anita Charlesworth, chief economist at The Health Foundation.