When the lifestyle influencer Jessie Lethaby – better known as SunbeamsJess – announced she was pregnant in December, her engagement on Instagram and YouTube soared, with fans shocked at the sudden announcement. “I wish you could’ve seen my face when you said you were pregnant. I legit jumped from my bed and I was so shocked,” commented one YouTube subscriber. “There may be a lot of influencer baby announcements but I think I can speak for everyone that yours is the most exciting, genuine, and unexpected! I can’t wait,” wrote another.
Meanwhile, on a little-known internet forum, followers of SunbeamsJess gloated. “OMG GUYS IT’S TRUE,” one commenter wrote, “I feel so strange seeing it in person after all the speculation.” “The gossipers called it again,” another added. “We are always right.” The forum then launched into a debate about whether the pregnancy was planned, whether Lethaby, at 26, would be a good mother, and whether she was selfish for bringing a baby into her family home while her mother was finishing cancer treatment.