There are lot of hashtags out there on Twitter. I try to explain what they all mean.
#PCPEU (Pro-Corbyn, Pro-EU): You don’t understand how politics works.
#FBPE (Follow Back, Pro-European): You don’t understand how politics works, and also you’re rude to waiters.
#WATON (We Are The Opposition Now): You really don’t understand how politics works, but you have founded your own university.
#ABTV (Anti-Brexit Tactical Voting): You should join the Liberal Democrats, but you won’t.
#RJCOB (Respect Jeremy Corbyn On Brexit): You have outsourced your critical thinking to a third party, but you are proud of it for some reason.
#GetAGripBoris: You are a Labour supporter who has experienced a delay of two minutes or more on London transport between 2008 and 2016.
#NightMayor: You are a Conservative who has who has experienced a delay of two minutes or more on London transport after May 2016.
#SameOldLabour: You unironically refer to the government of Tony Blair as “socialist”.
#MAGA (Make America Great Again): You’re a racist.