Fat activists want to reclaim their bodies but it is not “fatphobia” to recognise the risks of obesity
How ridiculous, how self-deluding to suggest that any problem with fat is irrational and not because being fat is objectively…
ByNew Times,
New Thinking.
How ridiculous, how self-deluding to suggest that any problem with fat is irrational and not because being fat is objectively…
ByParallels between Hill’s case and that of Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual harrrassment, are striking.
ByOppositions love announcing the creation of new departments, but the value of this one is unclear.
ByWhen these beliefs about feminism, men and women are normalised in mainstream entertainment, it legitimises toxic beliefs.
ByAgain, double standards are applied to ambitious, blonde women and ambitious, blonde men.
ByIn Northern Ireland, ending a pregnancy is subject to archaic laws that carry the harshest criminal penalties in Europe.
ByThe New Statesman podcast with Helen Lewis and Stephen Bush.
BySome things men should stop doing on the commute.