On 1 September, on the first of ten days of protest in London, Cardiff and Manchester organised by international environmentalist group Extinction Rebellion (XR), Extinction Rebellion UK issued a tweet declaring: “We are not a socialist movement. We do not trust any single ideology, we trust the people, chosen by sortition (like a jury service) to find the best future for all of us through a #CitizensAssembly.”
The tweet appears to have been a response to right-wing scaremongering about the alleged role of the far left – specifically the Young Communist League – within XR. This theory was boosted by the Rupert Murdoch-owned press, which was evidently piqued by an XR stunt on 4 September when activists blocked three of News Corp’s printing plants, where its titles such as the Sun and the Times as well as other newspapers such as the Telegraph are printed, delaying the distribution of the next day’s papers. On 6 September, the Telegraph gleefully proclaimed “Extinction Rebellion at war with itself after infiltration by Marxists”. The following day, the lead article in the Times announced that “Extinction Rebellion has allowed a hard core of ideologues and Marxist infiltrators to dictate its agenda”.