What do you do?
I’m an A-level student.
Where do you live?
Blackdown Hills, Somerset.
Do you vote?
I wish!
How long have you been a subscriber?
Long-time reader, but recent subscriber.
What made you start?
I’ve always enjoyed the podcasts; the magazine was the next logical step.
Is the NS bug in the family?
Yes. I have to fight for control!
What pages do you flick to first?
Stephen Bush and Emily Tamkin’s columns.
How do you read yours?
In the garden!
What would you like to see more of in the NS?
International politics.
Who are your favourite NS writers?
Stephen Bush, Emily Tamkin and Ailbhe Rea.
Who would you put on the cover of the NS?
Tsai Ing-wen, the president of Taiwan.
With which political figure would you least like to be stuck in a lift?
Priti Patel.
All-time favourite NS article?
Christopher Hitchens’ final interview, by Richard Dawkins.
The New Statesman is…
A voice of reason in a world where reason is in short supply.

This article appears in the 10 Sep 2021 issue of the New Statesman, The Eternal Empire