1. High-Speed Trading Is Progress, not Piracy (Bloomberg View)
Bernard S. Donefer writes in (muted) support of high-speed trading. Reading between the lines, he appears still to be damning with faint praise; “it doesn’t cause crashes!” is hardly enthusiastic.
2. Argentina, Elliott, and the pari passu war (Reuters)
The dust appears to have settled after the Greek haircuts and debt-swaps; but as Felix Salmon reminds us, these things take a while to actually clear up. Argentina is still in court today, fighting the last of its creditors.
3. Technology: The risks of research (Financial Times)
Andrew Jack writes the FT’s lead analysis piece today, on the risks and rewards of experimentation with the deadliest pathogens.
4. Peter Singer and Tyler Cowen in conversation (Jeff Kaufman)
Three years ago, economist Tyler Cowen interviewed ethicist Peter Singer about “morality, giving, and how we can most improve the world”; last week, Jeff Kaufman went to the effort of putting together a transcript of the conversation.
5. Is austerity self-defeating? Of course it is (VoxEU)
Jonathan Portes, the director of NIESR, writes against austerity in Europe.