What do you do?
I am a civil servant, developing policies to help people with disabilities find employment.
Where do you live?
Do you vote?
How long have you been a subscriber?
Off and on for a very long time! I still have a copy of the edition from January 1984 with a picture of George Orwell on the cover.
What made you start?
A deep hatred of Margaret Thatcher, so I was looking for alternative ways of thinking.
Is the NS bug in the family?
Yes, my son is a subscriber.
How do you read yours?
I take it to bed with Night Tracks playing on Radio 3. Stimulation for my mind and spirit.
What would you like to see more of in the NS?
More European news, with political and cultural analysis.
Who are your favourite NS writers?
Jeremy Cliffe and Andrew Marr.
Who would you put on the cover of the NS?
George Orwell again?
With which political figure would you least like to be stuck in a lift?
Viktor Orbán.
The New Statesman is…
brain food – varied and tasty.
This article appears in the 09 Mar 2022 issue of the New Statesman, Putin's War of Terror