George Osborne’s announced cuts to Child Benefit for middle-class parents features heavily today:
Katwala attacks the proposal from the left, as a breach of manifesto promises:
1.Sunder Katwala: Tories and LibDems break campaign promises on child benefit
While Brogan attacks from the right, branding the cut “a hefty tax increase” that penalises stay-at-home mums:
2.Benedict Brogan: Child Benefit: What’s fair about taxing stay-at-home mums?
Though not all agree that the cut is a squeeze too far:
3.Fraser Nelson : Osborne can go even further on middle-class benefits
Using RBS, Peston makes the case that Osborne’s cuts may go at least 10 percent further than what the sainted business sector can achieve without impairing service:
4.Robert Peston: What are private-sector lessons for Osborne?
At Left Foot Forward, Tony Greenham reminds us where all the money went in the first place:
5.Tony Greenham: Where did our money go? Building a banking system fit for purpose