1. Miliband poll: The Times fails to see the Sun (Left Foot Forward)
Toby Thomas compares the reporting of two different polls by two different Murdoch-owned newspapers.
2. Former prisons chief attacks Jack Straw over penal reform stance (Guardian)
Alan Travis chronicles a heated exchange at a fringe event last night.
3. Ed’s challenge (Next Left)
Sunder Katwala previews Ed Miliband’s speech today, and looks forward to what impact it might have.
4. Conference diary III: per non cambiare nulla… (Labout Uncut)
In the third edition of its conference diary, Labour Uncut rounds up likely future staffers for Ed Miliband.
5. How could the Beeb make such a pig’s ear of this? (Politicalbetting)
Mike Smithson expresses his outrage at the BBC talking over the breakdown of the results during the announcement of the new Labour leader on Saturday.