The election is “running the Tories’ way”, the leaders he admires are David Cameron, William Hague and Philip Hammond. David Miliband’s “very accomplished”, while Ed Miliband “is alright”. He was asked to be the Conservative candidate in Kensington and Chelsea.
Meet Jeremy Paxman, the man who’s moderating that first debate between Ed Miliband and David Cameron. It’s put the wind up some in Labour; many already feel that they ended up with a bad deal in the debates, without that right to take on the Prime Minister directly, plus the risky battle with the also-ran debaters. But others are more relaxed; they point out that the veteran anchor hasn’t let his own politics get in the way of roughing up Tories in the past. A senior Labour source says that Paxman’s “real challenge will be holding to account David Cameron, who has been running scared from a head-to-head debate with Ed Miliband and running scared from the public throughout this process.”