Here it is, Merry Christmas, everybody’s having fun. Well, it isn’t, and they aren’t, but it might as well be. For this weekend, all the Christmas advertising campaigns launched. “Holidays are coming”, chant the perennially joyful Coca-Cola singers in Rainbowland as a giant truck snarls down Main Street, cruelly failing to add “Open brackets, in six weeks’ time, if you’re lucky, close brackets”.
What have we become? What led us to here? What led us to a world in which every single advert ever has to have snow in it, and try and make us cry? What happened? What have we done to deserve this? In Christmasadvertland, it always snows, and families are lovely, and mums do everything, and men are hopeless and buy a turd in a box and have to get helped out, because their rancid brains are full of stupid, and it always snows. Stop the madness. Stop it now.