Before being selected as the Republican candidate for Joe Biden’s old Senate seat, Christine O’Donnell was a “Christian Activist” and head of SALT – the Savior’s Alliance for Lifting the Truth, a lobby group that focussed on issues of morality. Joshua Green from the Atlantic has dug out a video of the luxuriously coiffed O’Donnell taking on Eddie Izzard about whether it’s ever right to lie, while Bill Maher moderates. And it’s as bizarre as it sounds. After a minor compliment (“I like your lipstick!”) the two attack each other for the majority of the clip below.
Statements such as “We took the bible and prayer out of public schools, and now we’re having weekly shootings practically” are probably the reason why the national party leadership backed her more moderate opponent, Mike Castle, and are now refusing to fund her campaign (£).
UPDATE: O’Donnell crusade against immorality in the 1990s went beyond truth-telling in the White House. She also launched an anti-masturbation campaign, which was featured on MTV. Rachel Maddow dug out the tape. The highlight comes (ahem) near the end. “[In marriage] you’re going to be pleasing each other, and if he can please himself – why am I in the picture?” Quite.
Duncan Robinson also blogs here.